
Photographing people is sort like politely invading on their privacy just for an hour or two. Sitting back, watching, waiting and observing everything… hoping to get some of who they really are captured in my camera. It’s only natural that I get to know these people on a intimate level. Especially, the more I come back to their home. A friendship is created between us…a bond is starting to form.
I have had the opportunity to photograph this family 5 times (including this current session). From their maternity session at my home (the day before they gave birth!) to the hospital visit for their newborn session to 3 more sessions in their home! I feel like I’ve really gotten to know them and what they do and don’t like. Their daughter “S” is so serious but oh so cute… not to menton their home is amazingly decorated and cute as can be. Here are a few from their session. We have SO many good ones!

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