People ask me all the time when they are suppose to book their child’s senior photo session. The typical timeframe is the summer before the senior year OR even the fall. Waiting until the spring makes it trickier to pull off with potential rain outs and getting prints made in time. So, if you haven’t booked…

The first part of the year is my slow season which allows me the time to revamp my business. One of the projects I’m working on is adding a new website…. a senior site. Over the past 11 years, I’ve photographed many high school seniors. Although it wasn’t my focus, I’ve come to realize that…
A great evening for this session. Started in downtown Noblesville and headed to Forrest Park for a bit of both types of scenery.
I apologize for not posting lately. Four kiddos under one roof for a summer mixed with little vacations here and there… ‘nuf said! I am going to miss so much of summer yet I am SOOO looking forward to routine in my children’s lives. I alone can not provide enough structure to make life run…
Loved everything about this session…. especially that my client was so sure of herself (in a positive way). Not only did she know what she wanted for her session (color and lots of graffiti), but she already knows what she wants to do with her life. I find that amazing at such a young age.
I am pretty sure that Kelsey is unaware of how beautiful she is. Seriously, red hair (what is it with red heads lately), creamy skin and golden brown eyes? It was very difficult to relax her for the camera…. until big sis (whom I photographed last year) came along and even had a few shots…
I rarely do high school senior photography but found time to squeeze in a couple sessions. the irony is that both sessions were twin sisters! even more ironic was each set had a “Megan”