Now when I say “Storytelling Session”, I don’t necessarily mean this session tells a story. What I mean is that I was a storyteller. These twins (whom I’ve photographed for the last five years and who are also published with their dog Otis in Photographing Children, a Photo-Workshop) lost attention fairly quickly into the session. So, I did what I sometimes have to do with my own 3rd grader…. tell a silly story. Once I started though, they refused to let me stop. They also wanted me to continue to speak in my fake British accent. Needless to say my throat was sore by the end of the session 🙂 Yes, Dara I know I truly looked and acted ridiculous 🙂
My fav
The story line had something to do with Spiderman, Batman and Ninjas. So, it only seemed fitting to be silly and add a little Photoshop humor to the cover of one of their books in the image below. Jen Parker is ME because I somehow turned into Peter Parker. Oh and another funny thing is that I left these books in the barn and came back two months later on another session and they were still there waiting for me 🙂 We’re just destined to be together.
Don’t forget to VOTE in the 2011 photo contest! Click HERE to see this family and all the other nominees and to place your vote. Contest will end at 9PM on Monday February 13th!