These peeps are our old neighbors, the Meuniers. They lived just a couple doors down from us for about one solid year before moving back to their roots in southern Indiana. In the short amount of time I knew them, THREE things clearly mark their personalities and hobbies. Reading. Paula was seldom without her Nook,…
railroad tracks
I am so thankful for the cooler temperatures we now have. For about two weeks it was just disgustingly HOT across most of the nation. So when my client scheduled an 8 am session I couldn’t have been happier. Not only is light wonderful but the temperature was still bearable. This is certainly one cute…
Ok, prepare yourself for probably my biggest blog post yet. Large family share here! Triplets plus big sister x 2 sessions! I was so busy last fall that I didn’t have time to share the October session…. oops. I have to say this was about as perfect as they get. The kids were happy as…
I rarely share images of my own family on the blog. It seems to be a thing of the past…. so I am going to try and do better. I don’t want to be the annoying photographer who only posts about her own family. But doing it occasionally will help me to reflect upon the…