Let’s get this contest started. I want to see your Christmas tree!! I am looking for the best family tree out there. Now, I’m not talking about the coolest decorated tree necessarily, but a tree that in a way defines your family. Those are the trees I LOVE the most! The prize will be a free session in the 2008 year (a $100 value).
Session must take place in the Indianapolis area (so for all you out of towners you will need to gift this or travel here for the session)
Picture(s) submitted must have been taken in either 2006 or 2007*
The tree must be YOUR family tree
Along with your picture, provide a short statement of why your tree is so unique, personalized and loved by you.
All entries should be emailed to me (jennifer@thesherricks.com) before Saturday (Dec 22) and the winner will be announced on my blog the following day (Sunday Dec 23)… just in time for Christmas.
*your photo does NOT need to be the most “technically correct”… I am not choosing the best photographer… just my favorite tree!
To set the stage, here’s my tree. It’s not too big (because we make decorating it a family affair) and it’s a mix of homemade and store bought stuff. Red and green are the main color theme all though there’s quite a mix of copper, silver and white to give it a rustic touch. What makes it special to me are the photo frames of my kiddos (which also represent my love for photography), the handmade/molded handprint of Connor from preschool this year (made me cry) and the simplicity of it (because I need something fairly plain or it’s just too busy for the rest of my house). Ok, I guess I just love that it doesn’t look like a tree that’s screams “don’t touch” or that is just for show.