I know I’ve been missing in action for a few months now. It’s a no brainer that all photographers are busy this time of year so we tend to stop everything and just shoot and edit. I wish I could put into words how busy this season has been but I can’t…. so I won’t even bother trying because it won’t do justice. All I will say is WELCOME BACK to regular viewing. I look forward to updating sessions from the past quarter as much as possible. With that being said, leave me a comment when you visit so that I’m motivated to share more often. Lots of folks tell me they read my blog but I seldom have comments. So, LEAVE A COMMENT and say HI!
This next session is a young family with the sweetest baby boy. If I remember right baby “F” was about three months old here. The session took place in his Grandparents’ back yard, where his father grew up. I think that’s a bit sentimental.
I just love this double “chinned” smile. It’s also fitting that I capture his little mohawk since his family works in the hair industry.
Babies are so yummy. They are like a little obsession. You just want to stare at them all day!
For sure my fav below. Mom and Dad are pretty easy to look at too 🙂
Mommy tried hard to get “F” to sleep.
and it worked!