If you’ve been following my work at all over the years, surely you recognize this clan. Here, here, here and here are just some of their recent sessions. We probably had the coldest day of the year (at that time) and I say that because my fingers could no longer press the shutter or dials of my camera. BUT we made it work by golly…. in 20 quick minutes not including a hot chocolate break! The kids were so pumped with adrenaline for our session that it didn’t really matter if Kirsten was sitting on ICE. They knew that their session was a time set apart for jokes, laughter, dancing and potty mouth talk. I can not believe that I just admitted that!
So here you shall see that perfect families do exist even in the cold temps. I say that with the greatest amount of sarcasm. What I really mean is that there is no perfect family (as we all know deep inside) but yet in photographs we can pretend to see only that. If we make the most of every sour circumstance in our life we can find joy, adventure and a whole lotta laughter. That is what I’ve learned in life. I believe that these current snowed-in days are testing me on this truth.

We had a MUCH needed hot chocolate break. While we were upstairs enjoying our beverages, Scott puts on the tune of “Ice Ice Baby” which went hand in hand with Kirsten’s moment of sitting on ice. We changed the lyrics to “Ice Ice Booty” and danced away on the hardwoods. If you look long and hard, you’ll see the face of a woman (in the far left) watching. I am sure we added lots of excitement for her that afternoon. I am also sure she was freaking out a bit as she was just about to host a baby shower in that space. 🙂