If you haven’t noticed (and you probably haven’t) my business name has changed from J. Sherrick Photography to Jen Sherrick Photography. It’s just easier for my clients this way. So, notta a big deal but please make the change in your bookmark. http://www.jensherrickphotography.com/
For now you’ll still get there with the old one. Also, it’s under some re-design so bear with me until I get things the way I want them. I have been adding a few new photos to the galleries too on my website… not tons but a few every now and then so check it out!
Lastly, it’s the last day before my Vday half-off special is over. Keep in mind you can apply this toward any session in 2008…and fall books up SO fast!
Ok, gotta go to upstairs now. There is a hampster in my bedroom. Yes, you heard me right. My kids got baby hampsters and one is so small it escapes from it’s cage somehow (twice now). Of course it would be Connor’s… so full of energy and agility! But, before I go here is a little beauty that I had over at my house this week. She was the only willing subject I had!