Wow, what a year! Looking back I am amazed at all the wonderful clients I worked with. I can’t even begin to tell you how blessed I feel to work with families that truly treasure memories as much as I do. I am looking forward to meeting with the same families again in 2010 as…
I’ve been waiting patiently to post these photos taken quite awhile back. I knew the Christmas card (an accordion style) was going out to a ton of my regular readers/viewers that I didn’t dare steal her thunder! This is my good friend and neighbor Ali and her adorable crew. I know the family so well…
Nearly three years ago I went to this session. Has to be my favorite image ever. It speaks volume to who she was then and who she became today. Not only was the session a hit, but mom and I are now close friends because of it. We shared such a passion for all things…
When I first visited this client almost three years ago, she just had her first baby boy. The home was so quiet and life was so very different. Now these walls include three children under the age of three. So much love though, and I am just thrilled that mom wanted me to capture life…
I know I am such a bad blogger. Naturally, I am busy editing fall sessions but I really do want to keep this blog updated at least once a week. Also, I am working on a new website and blog for the near year. I had so much fun with this session. The mom and…
I don’t even have words here. But I do believe these photos can speak for themselves.
It was so fun hanging out on the Purdue campus for this session. Little “D” is going to be a big brother soon (although mom looks barely pregnant here) and we were able to capture some memories of him and his family before it changes! This is a rather large share because I owe it…
Baby Sam is finally a year! It just seems like yesterday I was at his house documenting his newness and now he’s off and walking. I am so glad to have connected with his family in such a way that we can get memories like these! The more you know someone, the more comfortable you…
I rarely do high school senior photography but found time to squeeze in a couple sessions. the irony is that both sessions were twin sisters! even more ironic was each set had a “Megan”
one of my most wonderful clients booked three sessions for her family and extended family this month. i am delighted to showcase them all in this one long post. if you’ve been following my blog for awhile you might remember these kiddos from the last two years. the boy girl combo are twins and i…