It’s always a pleasure working with this beautiful family. I adore their outfits and genuine love for one another.
carmel in family photographer

I love these people SO much! Rhonda has been my best friend since college. What a gift it has been to me to watch them grow!

What a FUN morning with Samantha and her boys. Samantha use to watch my kids from time to time so I feel REALLY old watching her as a mother. You can really see the bond she has with her boys in these photos. These little guys are so special. I photographed both their newborn sessions.

This particular session is over a year old but I felt inspired to post it anyway. These little girls are definitely my most photographed subjects. They have had more than a dozen sessions EVERY year with me and there’s no way I could post them all on this blog. I’ve literally watched them grow up…

I admit I’m a horrible blogger! I use Instagram and Facebook on a daily basis to post my work and my blog tends to be ignored. But as I reflect back on 2019, I had some incredible families to work with and I want to show you some of my favorites all in one post.…

The very first time I photographed this family was at this same park! We started splitting up this family’s photo sessions. Two kids in the winter and two in the spring. These boys were in HEAVEN as you can see!

I see no reason to stop having your family photographed once your kids are older. Teenagers are so much fun to work with! They are full of personality and have such connection to one another. I’m so happy when my clients still come back to me when the kids reach the teenage phase. It’s certainly…

Two years ago, I had the privilege of photographing these sweet kiddos for the first time. I believe we mostly chased little sister around to keep her from the ducks in the pond. But this year we just let her boss us around while I took her photo! We totally lucked out and had a warm…