These people are some of the loveliest folks to be around. I believe this was our 8th family session together and they never disappoint. They could show up with paper sacks on their heads and I would still love it! We took all the photos in their backyard and neighborhood just to keep things simple.…
I’ve been SO behind on my blog. I shouldn’t even try to go back and blog 2011 but there are some that I just can’t resist… and this is one of them. I’ve been photographing this family for the past three years. Their son is one of my daughter’s best buds. All of the photos…
Wowzers! I don’t know exactly how to put into words how difficult this little guy has been over the past few days. I am emotionally drained from his whining, disobedience and defiance. He has challenged me at several stages in his life which most of the time I’ve come to find out that he was…
Rather than blogging about these folks three separate times in 6 months, I’ve saved them for one very large post. We met in March for a maternity session in their urban loft home. Loved the large windows that let in a photographer’s dreamy amount of light! Loved meeting their sweet son too. But about two…
This session took place at 8am right near my client’s home. We started out just down the street in their subdivision in the common area. This proves that you DO NOT need to go to a park to capture memories. It’s never really about the background anyway? Then once we wore out the little man,…
You may remember this session because I’ve been told more than once that those are “beautiful people”. Yes, they are. So I was thrilled to capture their lovely looks and locks on camera again. But more than I wanted to capture what they looked like, I wanted to capture the energy and connection that they…
Four years ago I met the Hoard family when I went to photograph their chubby little Liza at 7 months of age. In fact, one of my favorite shots still today remains this one below. With arms wide open, without a care in the world…. she sits on her dining room table creating a nudist…