Thanks all who entered the the instagram A Day in the Life Challenge! It was very difficult to pick a winner! So, therefore I picked two!
First up is Crew Nixon whom I’ve had the pleasure to photograph at least two times. Here’s what his parents (whom both took photos) had to say about this particular day of his life.
Monkey in the Middle.
by: Josh & Sally Nixon
We chose Crew for a couple reasons. With an older brother who can seemingly do everything and a new baby girl who seemingly NEEDS everything, it is very easy for the middle one to get lost. They are often the ones that simply grow up in a blink. So naturally this challenge had Crew written all over it. I’m ashamed to report that this child would rather have an Eggo on any given morning than anything I could prepare from scratch, perfectly dunking each piece in his syrup. After breakfast he immediately finds Acer, his go-to companion. He has of course followed in his brother’s footsteps in his love for Cars, often times just holding and looking at him. Next a quick venture out with daddy, and like most boys, a pit stop in the dirt was a must. Next a ride in the car. Surely a finger in the nose of a two year old doesn’t come as a shock, right?! Then on to get measured for a tux, as he has ring bearer duties in his future. Then home again for lunch on his favorite plate. I love that he still needs lifted to wash his hands, but leave the soap scrubbing to him. Next, one last round of play before nap time, some Lego tower building on the way upstairs and goofing around in his cabin before mommy scoops him up to bed. He always sticks his little toes out after we lay him down, and what mom isn’t a sucker for toes. After nap, some more play time outside – God blessed us with beautiful weather. From bulldozing dirt, to swinging, and a picnic dinner with his best buddy. Finally it’s time to start the B’s- bath, books, and bed. After bath, Crew loves to brush his teeth. See, I blinked apparently, because someone doesn’t need help. Finally we end our day as it began, with his beloved Acer, AND a mommy and daddy who fell in love all over again with their monkey in the middle.
Gotta admit, I nearly cried when I read their paragraph and saw the photos. I can relate to this life as a mother of little boys who love their cars!
The next winner is Hannah Moore, the very lovely daughter of Jamie and Dori. Here’s what Dori had to say about her day with Hannah.
I am so glad I chose today to “follow” Hannah around and document her day because what a beautiful it turned out to be! Today we had no school and no activities… love Wednesdays! Hannah wakes up very slow. She comes downstairs, snuggles up on the chair in the living room with her blankie and juice and watches an episode of “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.” We did, however, have a dentist appointment today. It was our third appointment in the past year. The first two appointments she didn’t even open her mouth. This time, she did GREAT! I was so proud and she loved it! Go Hannah! Her favorite part of going to the dentist is the huge bird house in the waiting area. Super cool! A quick stop at the grocery store and then it was home to play outside on this gorgeous day. Sidewalk chalk, bike rides and running until she dropped! Can’t ask for more than that!
Did you notice how Crew got his bath at the end of the day…. and how Hannah’s bath started at the beginning? That my friends is the difference between having a boy and girl! Can’t send a little boy to bed in his dirt! Can’t send a little girl out without looking spiffy!
Thanks again for participating. I hope that doing this for even just one day made you realize that Life is Art, Life is History and both are worth documenting. Without a doubt, your child will be thankful to look back one day and see most of the events that took place on this very day! I bet you’ll appreciate them too!
Dori and Sally….. you both get a photo session on the house ($150 value)! Yeah!!!! xoxo