I was given the opportunity to photograph this amazing family while they were staying with us last week. Meet the Pierre’s. They live in Haiti and are visiting the states this summer while raising support for their mission (see the link to Nehemiah Vision Ministries on my sidebar). Our family has gained a strong connection with them and I can say that I have just fallen in love with each one of them.
like father like son…
and can you believe Nathan is only 12 years old?
little Lemuel going on 4 days without a solid nap…
Esperandieu and his wife Dianne

If you’d like to learn how you can help support Nehemiah Vision Ministries please visit their website (in the sidebar) or visit us tomorrow (Friday July 13th) at New Hope Christian Church in Whitestown, IN (5780 S 650 E) for a benefit concert with the talented John David Webster. It would be a great time with your family! Tickets are $10 for adults and free for children ages 12 and younger. If you’d like a sneak peek tune in tomorrow at 7:45am to the Fox 59 Morning Show and watch John David Webster perform and hear Esperandieu Pierre speak about the concert and cause. Would love to see you there!